Factors That Can Slow Down The Divorce Process

Posted on: 27 August 2020

Getting married can happen very quickly, sometimes only within one day, but getting divorced can take a very long time depending on how you go about it and what state you reside in. You might be wondering why your divorce is taking as long as it is. There are several issues that can delay a divorce especially if you're not working with a divorce lawyer. Mandatory Cooling Off Periods Depending on the state you reside in, there might be a mandatory cooling-off period.
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What Does A Probate Executor Do?

Posted on: 6 July 2020

Have you been named as the executor of a loved one's estate and are now not sure what the responsibilities are? Here is what you need to know about some of the responsibilities of a probate executor.  File The Will With The Local Court The first step will be to file the will with the local court where your loved one resided. You will also have the will admitted to probate and request to be named as the executor so that the probate case can be opened.
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Can You Beat A Case Before It Goes To Trial?

Posted on: 6 July 2020

For many criminal lawyers, the best strategy for beating a charge is to never let it get close to a courtroom. American criminal law places a lot of requirements on police officers and prosecutors before they can file charges and before a case goes to trial. Let's take a look at three ways you might be able to beat a case without facing a jury.  Don't Do the Cops' Jobs for Them
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How A Debt Relief Lawyer Can Help You

Posted on: 27 May 2020

Being under a mountain of debt is no way to go through life. If you're like most people, your debt is a constant nagging thought in the back of your mind. Maybe it even keeps you awake at night. Thankfully, you are not doomed to be saddled with debt for the rest of your life. Today, there are multiple options available for people to get out of debt and multiple programs and entities who can help you achieve this goal.
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