
  • Were You Fired Without Substantial Reasons? Call A Lawyer Fast

    If you have been let go from your job but you think it's because of personal reasons instead of because of your job performance, you want to meet with an employment lawyer. If you were fired unfairly, you could be eligible to get compensation, even if you don't want your job back. There are set laws and guidelines required by each state when it comes to firing someone, and your lawyer will need to start gathering information.
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  • Evidence & Proof You Need Custody of Your Grandchild

    Do you have a grandchild that you worry about every day because their parent isn't capable of caring for them? Is the child in danger, neglected or unsafe? If so, and you want to get custody of the child, you want to call a family lawyer and get help. If you already watch the child most of the time, or if you have a lot of evidence against the parent proving that you are a more capable parent, it shouldn't be difficult to get a judge to go in your favor.
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  • Helpful Tips To Consider When Facing A Divorce

    If you are having some complications with your spouse, getting a divorce may be on the horizon. In order to get through this difficult time, you can consider these tips. Look Over Your Finances A divorce can be stressful, particularly when it comes to your finances. In order to prepare yourself, you need to close down any joint accounts shared with your spouse. This prevents your spouse from accessing your accounts and taking out money without your consent.
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  • Your Phone Records Could Help Or Hurt Your Criminal Case

    If you're being charged with or investigated for a crime, it's important to understand just how much information can legally be accessed by the prosecution. In the modern world full of electronics, computers, and cell phones, it seems safe to say that much of the information about your life, who you contact on a regular basis, and even your location on a given day can be found by accessing digital records.
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  • Can You Get An Annulment?

    When you want to declare that your marriage is null and void in Canada, it is referred to as an annulment. A legal annulment is one that the court recognizes, so on record you are no longer married. It is important not to get this confused with a religious annulment, which is not recognized by Canadian courts. Here is more information about getting an annulment. What are legal reasons to get an annulment?
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  • Learn About The Different Types Of Adoption

    If you are planning on adopting a child, it is a big decision that should not be taken lightly. When you begin looking into adoption, you may find that the biggest choice is often deciding on the type of adoption. There are many different types of adoptions to choose from: Agency Adoption One of the more common types of adoption is an agency adoption. This means you go through either a private or public agency that helps birth parents connect with potential adoptive parents.
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  • Common Misconceptions Concerning Child Welfare Cases In Canada

    Protecting the lives of children should be a top priority for any public commission. This is why there is so much attention and focus given to child welfare in provinces across Canada. Child abuse provokes a lot of negative response in general because it is an emotional topic. Therefore, common misconceptions are bound to come into play. If you are involved a child abuse report or case against you as a guardian, it is imperative that you get your facts from a family lawyer.
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  • Slip And Fall Accidents: Do You Qualify For Compensation?

    Were you recently injured as the result of a slip and fall at a local retailer or other business? If so, you may qualify for compensation as a result of your injuries. Taking the time to review the information outlined below can help you to determine whether or not your case qualifies for compensation under current personal injury laws. A Reasonable Assumption Of Risk Each day, you take risks, many times without even realizing it.
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  • 3 Communication Tips For Co-Parenting Divorcees

    If you've recently divorced and have agreed with your ex-spouse to try co-parenting, understand that you're probably going to run into some road blocks along the way. You and your ex-spouse won't always see eye-to-eye when it comes to parenting decisions, and tensions may flare from time to time. All too often, however, these situations become much worse because of poor communication. Here are three helpful communication tips that could make co-parenting a lot easier on both of you.
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  • Two Types Of Business Insurance Downfalls That Could Prove Costly In A Small Business

    When you are in the process of starting a small business, there will be a lot of expenses to have to deal with for sure. Everything from investing in a storefront to filling shelves with merchandise will be at the top of your list of things to do. There is one thing on your list of things to do that can get neglected because it is looked at as just another expense.
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