What About Marijuana DUI Arrests?

Posted on: 14 May 2019

A driving under the influence (DUI) charge for using alcohol is distressingly commonplace, but what about being under the influence of marijuana? There is no doubt about that you can be arrested for being under the influence of marijuana while driving, even when you are not in possession of any. Just like a DUI for alcohol charge, there are rules about what constitutes impairment, regardless of the way you got there.
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Should You Worry About Scooter Injuries?

Posted on: 8 April 2019

If you have already spotted those nifty electric scooters lying around your area, you aren't alone. Many companies are taking advantage of the popularity of these new scooters, which are easy to ride and relatively affordable. The only problem? They may not be as safe as you think. Communities are expressing growing concern for issues, including the potential for injuries. How Do Scooter Accidents Happen? Scooter accidents can happen in many different situations, even though the scooters may not move very quickly.
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When Your Workers' Comp Claim Causes Employer Retaliation

Posted on: 27 February 2019

Getting hurt while working is bad enough, but what if your workers' compensation insurance claim caused you to experience workplace retaliation? When a work-related injury ends up damaging your career as well, you might be suffering from retaliation. Read on to find out what you can do to fight against this form of workplace discrimination. Why Are You Being Retaliated Against? You might be more concerned with healing from your injury than finances, but workplace injuries cost employers money.
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Timing Issues Of Filing A Car Accident Lawsuit

Posted on: 23 January 2019

If you get in a car accident that was the result of someone else's mistake while driving, you have a right to collect money to compensate you for your damages and injuries. To do this, you would need to pursue a lawsuit against the other driver, and here are several things to understand about the timing of filing this type of lawsuit. You could skip the lawsuit by settling directly with the insurance company
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