Dads Wanting Custody Without Being Married: What To Do

Posted on: 2 August 2017

Whether you were married before the birth of your children or not, as a dad you still have a lot of love to give them. If you're seriously mulling over the possibility that you deserve primary or joint custody of your kids, however, you may need to accomplish the tasks below and secure professional help so that you can legally succeed. Take Paternity Tests Before anything else, paternity is something you'll need to legally prove when no marriage is on record.
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You May Be Entitled To Worker's Compensation, Even If You Work From Home

Posted on: 26 July 2017

Approximately 3.3 million full-time professional people work from home, or telecommute, each and every day. If you are one of these workers, you know that when you work from home, you have improved morale, increased productivity, and lower stress levels, but unfortunately you also have the potential to have on the job accidents. The only difference is that these accidents take place in your home and not in a space that is owned, or being rented, by your employer.
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What To Know About Student Loan Debt And Your Disability

Posted on: 18 July 2017

Your heart and mind may have been in the right place when you took on that student loan; education is a goal worth pursuing. Often, the leftover loan obligation makes finances difficult even after landing that dream job. If you are suffering from a medical or mental condition that makes it impossible for you to attend to your job, you can begin to suffer in many ways, however. The good news is that if you get approved for Social Security disability payments, you may also be able to get your student loan debt forgiven.
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Reasons Why A Divorce Can Take So Long

Posted on: 6 July 2017

If you and your spouse have recently split up, then you may be heading towards divorce. Divorce is often difficult and many people become concerned when they realize that the divorce process takes much longer than expected. Since the divorce process is a lengthy one, individuals often question exactly why this is the case. If you want to learn a little bit about this and why it may take so long, then keep reading to understand a few reasons.
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