4 Mistakes NOT To Make During A Divorce
Posted on:
31 May 2017
Coming to the decision to get a divorce can be extremely hard on an individual in a bad marriage or a couple who has realized that their relationship no longer works. But while a divorce can be an emotional and stressful time for anyone going through one, it is essential to make the right decisions if you want the best outcome. If you're going through a divorce, DO NOT do the following:
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Considering Mediation Instead Of Court? What You Need To Know
Posted on:
24 May 2017
When going through a divorce, one option many separating couples utilize is mediation. Mediation allows you both to discuss all the details of your divorce with a neutral third party in order to come to an amicable agreement regarding all aspects of the divorce. This will include discussions about custody, division of property, alimony, and so on. If you are not familiar with mediation, the following are some aspects of the concept that you may want to keep in mind if you would like to consider using mediation for your divorce:
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Custody Arrangements: How An Evaluator Can Be Helpful
Posted on:
19 May 2017
Getting a divorce is tough on everyone, but can be very hard for the children. While it is always best to for parents to amicably work out custody details, it just is not always possible. However, doing as much as you can to stay out of court is ideal when it comes to the children. If you cannot work out a custody arrangement on your own, you can use a child custody evaluator to help make the final decisions so that is as amicable as possible.
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Think Your Spouse Is Hiding Assets From You? 3 Places To Look Before You File For Divorce
Posted on:
17 May 2017
If you're ready to file for divorce, you want to make sure that you receive everything you're entitled to in the divorce, which means the assets need to be divided properly. That can be hard to do if your spouse is hiding assets. While finding hidden assets can be difficult, it's not impossible. If you think your spouse is hiding assets, you need to start locating them as soon as possible.
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