You And Your Spouse Can Spend Fair Amounts Of Time With Your Teenage Children And Help Them Cope If A Divorce Is Imminent

Posted on: 18 June 2017

If you and your spouse recently split up and are seeking a divorce, ensuring that your teenage children spend quality time with each parent is important and will provide your kids with a solid, loving foundation. The following tips will assist with providing you and your spouse a fair amount of time with your children and will help your offspring accept the fact that you and your partner will no longer be residing together.
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Actions You Can Take To Maximize Your Personal Injury Claim Settlement

Posted on: 15 June 2017

If you were seriously injured in an automobile accident and the insurance agency has given you a low-ball settlement figure, there are several actions you should take to maximize your settlement, including each of the following: Prepare an Official Demand Letter and Mail it Certified Mail to the Insurance Company If you need to hire an attorney to settle your personal injury case, then one of the first things they will do is send the insurance company a demand letter that outlines the settlement they believe is reasonable based on your damages.
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Is Challenging A Radar Gun's Accuracy Possible?

Posted on: 13 June 2017

A radar gun is supposed to give law enforcement officials an accurate measurement of a driver's speed. Some people mistakenly believe that a ticket based on the speed recorded by the radar gun cannot be challenged. In reality, it is one of the easier challenges you could make for a speeding ticket. If you received a speeding ticket based on a radar gun's measurements, here is what you need to know. 
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Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits: Three Types Of Evidences And Proof To Support Cases Regarding Depression

Posted on: 9 June 2017

It's unfortunate, but approximately 6.7% of the American population over the age of 18 struggles with a major depressive disorder. Those struggling with a major depressive disorder may have difficulties carrying on normal daily tasks and may require additional support and help from the state. If this applies to you, you might qualify for Social Security disability benefits. As the application process can be long and tedious, it's usually best to speak with a lawyer.
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