Are Dog Bites Covered By Insurance?

Posted on: 8 May 2017

Dogs can be great companions, but they can also put their owners at risk of being sued if they bite people without provocation. Luckily, you may be saved from having to pay thousands of dollars in damages if you have homeowner's, renter's, or auto insurance, as these policies may cover the damages and losses a victim suffers from dog bite related injury. Here's what you need to know about how the coverage typically works.
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Tips for Finding a Divorce Attorney When "Geo-Locked" By a Spouse

Posted on: 23 November 2016

Many individuals seeking divorce are advised to geographically lock their spouse out of finding a lawyer in their area. Though this happening to you doesn't preclude you from finding a lawyer eventually, it can be very detrimental to your case. You may not be able to use the best or most popular attorney, and you may lose precious time while searching. But this type of tactic is fairly well known, and there are some things you can do to protect yourself.
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What To Include In Your Demand Letter To Your Car Insurance Company

Posted on: 23 November 2016

Following a car accident, you need to draft and send a demand letter to your car insurance company and let them know how much money you want for your accident. Here is the information that you should include in your demand letter to your car insurance company. #1 Description Of The Car Accident The first thing that you should include in your demand letter is a description of the car accident.
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Employers And Pregancy: Dealing With Discrimination Laws

Posted on: 23 November 2016

If you are an employer, it is imperative that you maintain a clear understanding of all forms of discrimination. Pregnancy discrimination is a form of workplace discrimination that many employers mistakenly overlook. The following is some important information that you need to know: Pregnancy and the Law The Pregnancy Discrimination Act was enacted and views pregnancy discrimination in the same way as sex discrimination, in that you are not allowed to treat a pregnant employee any differently than a non-pregnant employee.
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