3 Communication Tips For Co-Parenting Divorcees
Posted on:
16 January 2015
If you've recently divorced and have agreed with your ex-spouse to try co-parenting, understand that you're probably going to run into some road blocks along the way. You and your ex-spouse won't always see eye-to-eye when it comes to parenting decisions, and tensions may flare from time to time. All too often, however, these situations become much worse because of poor communication. Here are three helpful communication tips that could make co-parenting a lot easier on both of you.
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Two Types Of Business Insurance Downfalls That Could Prove Costly In A Small Business
Posted on:
6 January 2015
When you are in the process of starting a small business, there will be a lot of expenses to have to deal with for sure. Everything from investing in a storefront to filling shelves with merchandise will be at the top of your list of things to do. There is one thing on your list of things to do that can get neglected because it is looked at as just another expense.
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Have A Legal Problem? Why You Need A Lawyer Referral Service
Posted on:
2 January 2015
If you are currently dealing with a legal issue, you may believe that simply contacting an attorney from a firm like Schnell Hardy Jones LLP is the best way for you to obtain representation for your case. However, going through a lawyer referral service may prove to be the most productive route to take for your legal matter. Lawyer referrral services work to match individuals with the attorney that will handle their case in the best way possible.
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How Is Shoplifting Handled In Canada?
Posted on:
21 October 2014
There isn't actually a crime called "shoplifting" but it is covered under Canadian theft laws. Shoplifting usually falls within the laws for theft under $5,000 and can be handled in a variety of ways. Like anyone accused of a crime, you have certain rights you should be aware of. Having a lawyer present is one of those rights.
Thefts Over and Under $5,000 in Canadian Law
All thefts over $5,000 are indictable offences, which are more complicated and have much stiffer penalties.
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